
Bedtime Tips and Tricks


5 Tricks to Calm a Toddler Before Bedtime

A typical day for a modern family involves a lot of running. Running to and from school, zipping to sports and after school activities, then flying through a family dinner to get to get kids bed. We find ourselves exhausted from cramming so many things into our days, and yet not getting much sleep because we don’t have any time to relax! As adults, it is important to find some quiet time before bed, our kids need this time too. Unfortunately, our kids don’t know how to just let go of the day and unwind, so we have to teach them. This is especially true to calm a toddler – they play so hard their brains and bodies don’t know how to unwind. Because everything is new, and their brains are absorbing so much information relaxation comes hard for a busy toddler. Since kids get tired at the end of…