


3 Gross Motor Activities For Toddlers Who Like to Move

Gross motor activities help children feel confident in their own body while helping them stay healthy through physical activity. Preschoolers have lots of energy, and there is a reason for that: they learn and grow by practicing movement. I find myself worrying about what my child knows, what they should know at their age, where they are at in development etc. The list goes on and on. I plan activities and games to work on sensory activities, fine motor skill development, and gross motor activities. So what are gross motor skills? Gross motor skills are the coordination of movements that are required for large muscle movements, such as: running skipping hopping (on both feet and one foot) galloping jumping somersaults pedaling and steering a tricycle climbing a ladder throwing a ball with direction catching a ball using arms and body bouncing a ball These skills develop before fine motor skills…