“Mom, I’m bored.” If only we had a dollar for every time we heard that from the mouths of our children.

There are a million things to tie up your kid’s attention, but they may not be the types of activities you want them to focus on.

Children are drawn to TV, tablets, and phones. But it’s important to allow their creative minds to work.

Art activities for kids are a perfect way to aid their development, growth, and fun! But as parents, it can be difficult to find the time to find or think of new art activities.art activities for kids

We have put together three super cute art activities for kids, to help get you started on some fun DIY crafts — and even included videos to make it easier for you!

The art activities for kids can be used on a variety of age groups from early toddler through kindergarten or beyond.

1. Puffy Paint for Kids

Have you ever wondered how to make puffy paint? It seems like some sort of magic, but it is actually just a few ingredients that already have in your kitchen cupboards.

This DIY Puffy Paint is a super fun craft allowing your child to create their painting masterpiece and watch it grow into a raised piece of art.

It just takes 30 seconds in a microwave to transform their project into a hang-able work of art.

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DIY Puffy Paint
It only takes a microwave and a few ingredients to make this super fun puffy paint for kids!
art activities for kids
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 30 seconds
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 30 seconds
art activities for kids
  1. Combine flour, baking soda, and salt in small bowl.
  2. Add about 1/4 cup of water and stir. Add water 1 tsp at a time until you've reached a smooth, pourable consistency. (similar to pudding)
  3. Separate your mix out into Ziploc baggies. Add food coloring to each bag and mix together.
  4. Slice the end off the baggie and use to decorate your paper.
  5. Once done, put the artwork in the microwave for 30-40 seconds. Take it out and let it cool.
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2. Fall Leaves Toilet Paper Roll Tree

Sometimes it is the simplest craft activities that children tend to love the most. This toilet paper roll tree may just be one of them.

It is perfect for Fall as the leaves transform, the fruit loops represent the changing colors.

It is a perfect activity for a variety of age groups, younger toddlers are able to do this with a little help and older kids can breeze through and work on making their tree more intricate.

You can use a low-heat glue gun, or something similar to Elmer’s liquid glue.

What You Need:
Toilet Paper Roll
Poster Board
Fruit Loops

3. Grass Heads

We just love these Grass Heads from Red Ted Art. This is such a fun craft for your children to watch something they have made grow.

The craft does take some help from a parent, but children have so much fun coming back every day to see how much “hair” has grown.

Not to mention the joy of being able to give it a hair cut!

What You Need:
Old tights/ stockings
Compost or earth
Grass seed
Rubber band or thread
Googly eyes
A pot for your grass head to sit in

We hope we’ve given you some fun ideas to get crafty with your kids. Let us know what you try and if you’re kids enjoyed them!


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